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vegan coconut tomato bisque

Vegan Creamy Coconut Tomato Bisque

This coconut tomato bisque is super rich, creamy and packed with flavors! It’s simple to make, and it’s ready in 30-minutes! Made with tasty plant-based ingredients for a 100% vegan dish!

spring vegetables soup

Spring Vegetables Soup

This Spring Vegetables Soup is the fuel your body needs! It’s easy, tasty, healthy and you can make it really fast! Only 5 ingredients, a couple of minutes and you will be eating a delicious homemade soup!

vegan coconut carrot soup

Curried Coconut-Carrot Soup

A tasty, easy, creamy, and healthy Curried Coconut-Carrot Soup! With only a few ingredients you can have this nutritious meal that is absolutely delicious!

Black Bean Soup

Black Bean Soup

This black bean soup is absolutely delicious as it’s packed with lots of different flavors and aromas. It’s simple to make, and it’s 100% cruelty-free!