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vegan blueberry smoothie

Blueberry Kick Start Smoothie

Do you have a long day and you wish you could go back to bed? Why not trying this awesome recipe? A blueberry smoothie that will make you feel like new! The perfect natural boost for your day!

vegan blueberry pancakes

Vegan Blueberry Pancakes

These blueberry pancakes are super easy to make, so easy that you can make it in one bowl, and in only 15-minutes! They are delicious, fluffy and moist, just perfect for a great breakfast!

vegan blueberry oatmeal protein smoothie

Vegan Blueberry Oatmeal Protein Smoothie

This smoothie is what you need to start your day with enough energy to go through the day with joy and happiness. It’s made with oats which is high in fiber, blueberries that gives an extra boost of antioxidants, coconut milk and almond butter which gives a super tasty flavor plus all the healthy fats that makes you feel satisfied. It needs only 5 minutes and few ingredients and it’s ready!

vegan 2 ingredient blueberry ice cream

Vegan 2 Ingredient Blueberry Ice Cream

You only need two ingredients to make this super delicious Ice Cream: Banana and Blueberries, that means that it is 100% vegan as it is dairy-free and it is super healthy as it has no added sugar. A super delicious and easy ice cream!