Make your own ice cream in a few simple steps! A delicious peanut butter ice cream with brownie chunks. This ice cream is super easy to make and super tasty!
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Make your own ice cream in a few simple steps! A delicious peanut butter ice cream with brownie chunks. This ice cream is super easy to make and super tasty!
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Process all fudge chunk ingredients in a food processor until the mixture firms up into a consistency resembling brownie bits / chunks / dry brownie batter. Scoop out onto a plate and loosely break up the mixture with a spoon into finer pieces if desired (though definitely leave some larger chunks too for texture).
Blend all ice cream ingredients into a completely smooth consistency in a power blender (note: fresh bananas will blend easier but the ice cream will take a bit longer to set, which is why I used frozen).
Transfer ice cream mixture into a container. Add the fudge bits and fold them in with a spoon to distribute throughout the ice cream. Freeze for 4-5 hours to let it set, scoop out and enjoy!